De este libro me quedo con la breve historia del tío Melik, el peor granjero del mundo, demasiado imaginativo y demasiado poeta, porque lo que quería, lejos de una sociedad mercado-técnica y materialista, era ir al campo y "plantar belleza y verla crecer". En una ocasión, lleva a su sobrino a su tierra árida, yerma y solitaria, para enseñarle, feliz, con humildad y gran sabiduría: "Esta tierra es mi tierra".
I have been there (New York) six times in the last thirty years. You can go hopping around all over the world and never find anything because that ain't the way you find out anything. All you got to do is change your attitude.
William Saroyan, My name is Aram, 1940
I have been there (New York) six times in the last thirty years. You can go hopping around all over the world and never find anything because that ain't the way you find out anything. All you got to do is change your attitude.
William Saroyan, My name is Aram, 1940